1018 <3
Today, 18th October 2009, marks the first year of James & I being together.
Happy Anniversary BB Zhao! =)
We spent a night at Braunston Manor Hotel yesterday. We were welcomed by a woman whom I think runs the whole place. Part of our conversation was like this:
Woman: What brings you here? A party or just to spend the night?
James: We're here to just spend a night. It's our one year anniversary.
Woman: Oh, I see. So you're newly at it huh?
Krystal: *subtle nod while trying to resist bursting out laughing*
James: Yeah. We are.
The woman then brought us up to our room. Our room was nice. The decor was like a modern Tudorian/Victorian kind. To be honest, I can't tell the difference between Tudor and Victorian. Lol.. Hence the "/".

When we were alone in the room, I told him the woman thought we were MARRIED! James was like..... "Really?!?! I didn't know." And I was like.... "The woman said 'newly at it', which refers to 'newly weds' my dear." =.=''''
Anyway, we had a picnic in the gardens of the hotel the night we arrived, with the companion of a little wine. Then as it got colder, we headed back in to our room.
Had a nice warm bath in the candle lit toilet, whilst sipping more wine. We then made way to our lovely comfy bed for the night. Watched Taking of Pelham 123, which I fell asleep halfway through. I am blaming the wine. Haha! My face was well red! We then watched Ice Age 3 after Pelham.
2/3 of the way into the movie, the clock striked 12am! We greeted each other a happy happy 1 year and went to sleep straight as we had to wake up early the next morning for fishing.
Woke up at 8am, had full cooked English breakfast (with sausages, tomatoes, eggs, beans, bacons and mushrooms. Yummy yummy!!!). Took a few more photos in the gardens and headed off for fishing! Guess what though? Before we left, the woman asked: "So, was the weather nice when you two got married?" HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I could tell this time James tried to hold in his laughter. I just looked away. =D
We arrived the fishing place a while later. A guy taught us the basics of fishing. How to hook on the bait (MAGGOTS!!!! OMG.OMG.OMG....EWWW!!!), how to throw in the bait etc etc. James caught like about 2 or 3 in just 1 hour. But it slowly died down. I caught 2 fishies!!! =)=) All in all we caught about 10 fishies. We caught more towards the end. Most of them were caught by James. Basically, James was fishing, while I was enjoying my picnic. =D We couldn't bring the fishies back though, but we stole 3! LOL! Put them in a bucket.
Headed for home at 4.45pm. He's gone off to breakdancing now. I'm just waiting for him to come home and we're gonna go steamboat later on! Wheee..
Lots of love to give out!
Labels: 365 days of love
Our moments..
From your isteri,
Labels: happy birthday Jacq
This is what you do when you're bored
Yet another cold war with bf. Sigh.. I feel like we're seriously drifting apart somehow.. He feels sad to be with me. And I get sad seeing him sad. But what can I do? Leave him so he can be happy? All I can do is cry, just to let it all out. And what does he say when I cry? "Not today." "Why are you even crying? To ask for forgiveness?" Do you know how much it hurts when your boyfriend thinks like that of you. =(

a kiss from me
Labels: cries, kisses
house party brought down!
Define the term "house party".
- A party lasting over one or more nights at a large house.
And, on top of that, you'd obviously expect the people actually living in the house would be a part of the party. If not it wouldn't be a "house" party either. Or would it? :S
Last Saturday was Yie Sean's birthday. Another friend of James. He threw a house party at one of his friend's flat, which was indeed quite nice. Spacious living room, decent-sized rooms with en-suite bathrooms, open-plan kitchen. The way I like a flat to be, except maybe the corridor could be a little more wider.
The party started slow, but was ok to chillax. And as more people came, it got better........ and noisier! The next thing I knew was this girl barging into the room turned on all the lights, pulling out all the speakers, turning off the laptops and pushing everything to one side, as well as, grabbing all empty bottles violently throwing everything into the bin and started cleaning up. Everyone was just at their places but with heads turned in her direction -> staring.
The flatmate actually throwing the party (who was really drunk) started to argue with the girl. The girl doesn't live there. N I was like... "??-.-??" Question marks all over my head. She doesn't live here then how did she get in? To find that she's one of the other flatmates' girlfriend acting all pissed on behalf of her bf. Lol. So to prevent any more damage done, the party was over. And it was not even 2am yet! =.=
After that drama, were even more dramas! The girl who ended the party threatening to exterminate this girl called Lily coz seriously she was just shouting at anyone she encountered. Two words -> extremely loud! Lol. But she's a nice person, just loud. Accusing her that she urinated on the sofa. LOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!! Who the hell doesn't know how to use the toilet? We're all adults for goodness sakes! The wet bit on the sofa was actually water spilled by my darling James. =.=''' Then the next thing was accusing Joel of stealing the shisha that was in the house. Hahaha.. the night was fun! And I was drunk! Woooo~~ I could even wait till James finished puking for me to puke right after! Looll.. This is what I call controlled drunkenness! I'm da pro!
And guess what?? we had it going in the toilet!!!! I feel for the poor guy whom the toilet belongs to.
Labels: drunk and horny