What's the definition of a relationship? Does simply being together mean you are in one? The way the world has changed, really has an impact on how people view relationships. Everything used to be so simple back then. Now, statuses range from "in a relationship" to "it's complicated", which pretty much is an excuse to say that I have someone I like but I'll still sleep with you anyway. And that does not count as cheating as he or she is not 'officially' tied to someone.
The latter version of relationships have become so mainstream now. Cheating is not uncommon. Going out with someone for the time-being until you find a better one is pretty common too. Or even, let's-just-be-f**k-buddies relationships!
Oh, and that brings me to sex. Sex is really mainstream now too. To be honest, I think it's just degrading to any human. I really don't understand why companies resort to putting sexual intentions in advertisements. Seriously, what does a perfume have got to do with sex or naked people? Or even jeans?
The more this goes on, the more people get brainwashed and the more loose people we get. People just f**k around like no man's business. Lol. And when this happens, relationships are no longer between loved ones and sex is never 'making love' any more.
New phone!! ^^
Wheeeee! I have at long long last a new phone! Blackberry 9700! No more not-working-Sony-Ericsson and cracked iPhone. I had to go through so much trouble in order to get it though. Seriously, I think I spent about 4 hours in total dealing with different sales persons from different branches to sort out the problem with my account. And that does not include the time the sales person had to spend dealing with my account on her own. Headache I tell you!

It's been a week now since I've had my lovely Blackberry. It was freakingly awesome the first few days I had it. Just fun with its Blackberry Messenger and other applications. I was chatting with Kim, Yen and a few of my friends in Malaysia with BBM. I couldn't lay my hands off it for a single second! ^^
But then............ firstly, faced network problems the past few days. And I thought it was something to do with my phone. Luckily not. BUT THEN!!!!! My phone has actually gone crazyyyy! Not only were contacts duplicated, some contacts initially saved under the correct name got saved under some other person's name and my WhatsApp also gone crazy. Just everything gone haywire. OMGGGGGGGG! You problematic phone! =.=
Frustrated!!!!!! I think it's a sign. I'm not destined to get a new phone! Or or or, I'm just going through my bad luck phase. Bad end to a year. Sigh.
I am gonna go back to the phone shop and get an exchange! Another new phone coming up! =D But I'll lose all my contacts again. Headache again. Aiiiii~~